Local Variables And Function Parameters

Last time when we looked at static variables declared inside functions, we touched on local variables. Today we'll focus on local variables and function parameters.

Local variables in C and Objective-C are declared like this:

// local variable examples
void myFunction() {
  // declare some local variables ...
  int i; // uninitialized, will have some random value
  NSString *s = @"foobar";
  double sqrtOf2 = sqrt(2);
  // do stuff ...

Local variables are not initialized to zero, NULL or nil by default the way global variables are. It's important to initialize a local variable before you use it, otherwise its initial value will be something random and almost certainly not something useful. Function parameters are very similar to local variables, except that their value is defined by the caller of the function.

// function parameter examples
void yourFunction(int i, NSString *s, double d) {
  // do stuff ...

In very old C code, you may sometimes see function parameters declared like this:

// old function parameter style
myOldFunction(i, s, d) // only parameter names go here
  int i;
  NSString *s;
  double d;
  // parameter types are defined between
  // the parameter list and curly brace
  // do stuff ...

This old style is called K&R C (for Kernighan & Ritchie, the authors of The C Programming Language book) and has been replaced by the modern ANSI C style you're used to, but you many occasionally see it in very old code or examples. (In fact, the function return type is optional in K&R C and defaults to int if not given.)

Function parameters are available for the complete time that the function is executing. Local variables however can have a more limited lifespan. Typically, local variables are local to a function body, but they can also be local to the body of an if, for, while and do-while statement:

void printSquares() {
  int x;
  for (x = 0; x < 10; ++x) {
    int x_squared = x * x; // only valid in the for loop

    printf("%i^2 = %i\n", x, x_squared);
  // x_squared no longer valid
  // x still valid

In fact, you can even use a set of curly braces alone to create a new local variable scope:

void someFunction() {
  int x;
  // new local scope
    int foo = 10; // local variable foo now valid
    // ... do something with foo

  // foo no longer valid
  // x still valid

In older versions of C and Objective-C, all local variables had to be declared at the start of a function or statement block. So something like this:

void someFunction() {
  int x = 10;
  printf("x = %d\n", x);
  int y = 20; // not allowed before C99
  printf("y = %d\n", y);

would not compile. The C99 standard changed this to allow local variables to be declared at any point in a function, something that C++ has always allowed. By default, Xcode Objective-C projects compile using C99 rules (this is set by the C Language Dialect build setting in Xcode or the -std=c99 command line parameter to gcc).

Next time, we will look at instance variables of Objective-C classes.